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by Luis Puerto Sr. Posted in comunications

This is an email that we’ve sent to people just to announce the birth. We put it here to share with all of you.

English Version


As you may, or may not, know, we’re three now. Anyway, we wanted to reach to you, personally to share the news and first hand.

On Dec 5 at 22h, our son Luis Puerto Díaz (Junior), was born at the Joensuu’s hospital, in Finland. He was a healthy baby of 3.8 kg and 51 cm long. He had no mayor issues, but his bilirubin was a little bit high and for that reason he is a little bit yellowish in some pictures. Nothing serious, and quite common since the liver sometimes isn’t at 100% when babies are born. Now, he is totally fine, kicking, pooping, and gaining weight, so he is probably well over the 4 kg now.

On the other hand, Olalla had some complications during the last stage of the labor and she had to undergo surgery right after. Nothing serious for these days and age, but she will have a longer recovery than expected for sure.

This issue —that kept us in the hospital a couple of additional days— and that the last month we’ve been a little bit busy adjusting to the new situation are the reasons it has taken a little bit more than we wanted to share the good news with all of you.

We’ve created a site to share some experiences with all of you and if you want you can check some photos of him in this link:

(Censored: we don’t want to share photos here)

Anyhow, we are really happy now and although some nights are longer than others on these first months, we are really joyful and excited with this new adventure we’ve gotten into. (Let’s see how we get out of it). The three of us look forward to meeting you in person soon, either in Finland or wherever we’ll come across again.

Cheers! Olalla, Luis Jr. & Luis

PS/ Hey, perhaps you’ve already know and we already been talking about this with you, but we wanted to sent duplicate info than to left someone out. Sorry!

Versión en Español


Como probablemente supieras, o no, ahora somos tres! Lo sepas o no, queríamos contártelo personalmente y de primera mano.

El 5 de diciembre a las 22h nuestro hijo, Luis Puerto Diaz (Junior), nació en el Hospital de Joensuu, en Finlandia. Nació sano, y pesó 3.8 kg y midió 51 cm. No tuvo ningún problema importante al nacer, tan solo la bilirrubina un poco alta, y por eso sale en algunas fotos un poco amarillo. Es algo completamente normal en muchos niños, ya que el hígado no está completamente funcional al nacer. En todo caso, ahora está perfectamente, pataleando, cagando y ganando peso, probablemente ahora ya esté por encima de los 4 kg.

Sin embargo, Olalla sufrió alguna complicación al final del parto, qué se tuvo que solucionar quirúrgicamente justo después. Nada serio para los tiempos que corren, pero su recuperación va a ser un poco más larga de la esperada.

Este último incidente —que nos hizo permanecer en el hospital un par de días más de los esperados. Sumado a que en el último mes nos hemos estado ajustando a la nueva situación, son las razones por las que nos hemos demorado en compartir las nuevas buenas con todos vosotros.

Le hemos creado al mozo un pequeño sitio en internet donde pretendemos compartir algunas experiencias con vosotros. Y si queréis ver algunas fotos lo puedes hacer en este enlace:

(Censurado, no queremos subir fotos aquí)

De todos modos, estamos muy felices y aunque algunas noches son más largas que otras en estos primeros meses, estamos muy contentos e ilusionados con esta nueva aventura en que nos hemos metido. (A ver como salimos). Los tres esperamos poder quedar contigo pronto, ya sea en Finlandia o dónde sea.

Cheers Olalla, Luis Jr. & Luis

Luis Puerto Sr.

Father of the owner of the site. Born in Ponferrada, Spain. A Forest Engineer interested in Science and Technology. Fascinated about almost everything

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